For our final project in our Analytical Drawing course, we were asked to design a sideboard that was inspired by the façade of the Palazzo Rucellai in Florence.
I decided to create a piece that paid homage to the linear proportions which architect, Alberti, used in his design.
With these proportions in mind, I designed square panels which adorned the front of the sideboard.
To add some quirkiness to the piece, I decided to offset each square at different lengths, matching each offset with a different type of wood: walnut medium and light oak, mahogany, cherry... Making the proportionate disproportional...
These different offsets mimicked the rusticated masonry that was used to build the Palace. This stone was named, Pietra Forte and was also used historically during the height of Roman Antiquity.
Inside the piece, there is storage for wine bottles, wine glasses and other plates and utensils.
My friend in class, Danah, made a good point during my presentation: "It would be a great sustainable furniture piece!" This was because of my use of different types of wood at the front, which would be a perfect solution for leftover wooden scraps.